Open Data Structures"The goal of this project is to free undergraduate computer science students from having to pay for an introductory data structures book. I have decided to implement this goal by treating this book like an Open Source software project. " ~ Pat Morin
The LATEX source, Java source, and build scripts for the book are available to download from the author's website0.1and also, more importantly, on a reliable source code management site.0.2
The source code available there is released under a Creative Commons Attribution license, meaning that anyone is free to share: to copy, distribute and transmit the work; and to remix: to adapt the work, including the right to make commercial use of the work. The only condition on these rights is attribution: you must acknowledge that the derived work contains code and/or text from
Anyone can contribute corrections/fixes using the git source-code management system. Anyone can also fork the book's sources to develop a separate version (for example, in another programming language). My hope is that, by doing things this way, this book will continue to be a useful textbook long after my interest in the project, or my pulse, (whichever comes first) has waned.