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Statistics & Polls

What is statistical literacy?

Statistical literacy is connected to quantitative reasoning, it is the ability to read, understand, and interpret numeric information in charts, tables, and graphs including the ability to evaluate claims associated with those statistics.

How and what people count and measure, how the results are assembled, compared, presented, and communicated are all based on choices and reflect the perspectives and priorities of those people. Accepting statistical data at face value without considering the context leads to errors of interpretation and understanding. The ability to correctly interpret statistics and the ability to think critically about context and the causal or correlational relationship of statistics are key to statistical literacy. 

multicolor hand drawns graphs and charts on paper beside markers on a small desk

Analyzing Statistics

  • Who? Who created this information?
  • Why? What is the purpose of the chart, graph, table as well as the collection of the underlying information? 
  • What? What indicators are most interesting? What population is most relevant? What figure is being displayed (i.e., is it a percentage, an average, an index number?)
  • When? When were the statistics compiled? What time frame do the statistics cover? What is the periodicity?
  • Where? Which geographies are most useful— global, national, state, county, or city level statistics? Which levels are realistically available?
  • How? How can the statistics be accessed? Get to the direct source whenever possible.