Acceptable use of AI (ChatGPT, etc.) will vary by discipline and class. Here are some broad guidelines designed to support instructors as they navigate this new territory.
Adapted from UW's Center for Teaching and Learning and UTA, Moody Center for Advancing Teaching Excellence
OC Faculty Stephen Foster, Lindsey Handley, Justin Lewis, along with Associate Dean of Learning Innovation Xuan Wang-Wolf have provided the following AI Statements and Templates to help instructors clearly communicate their expectation in their syllabus and Canvas descriptions.
Coach or demonstrate how to use AI in—
Adapted from Embrace the Bot: Designing Writing Assignments in the Face of AI from Faculty Focus
If you have determined that it benefits students not to use AI-Tools for specific assignments and assessments, there are ways to make AI-Tools less useful for the assignment. Here are some suggestions—
Adapted from University of Chicago Academic Technology Solutions and City University of New York Teaching & Learning Center.