OC Libraries subscribe to dozens of databases. Those listed below are the ones that we recommend to search for health-related scientific journal articles. Please see the following "Tips" tabs for specific examples of how to craft your search.
Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature. CINAHL provides full text for more than 1,300 nursing and allied health journals. CINAHL also includes 2 useful series: "Evidence-based Care Sheets" and "Quick Lessons".
ProQuest databases are useful for researching topics in almost all areas of study, e.g. Business, Science, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Articles from ProQuest overlap some with EbscoHost, but ProQuest also provides unique content.
PubChem is an open chemistry database from the National Institutes of Heath. PubChem mostly contains small molecules, but also larger molecules such as nucleotides, carbohydrates, lipids, peptides, and chemically-modified macromolecules. They collect information on chemical structures, identifiers, chemical and physical properties, biological activities, patents, health, safety, toxicity data, and much more.
Use PubMed to search MEDLINE, the U.S. National Library of Medicine's database covering the fields of medicine and nursing. MEDLINE indexes over 4,000 journals from more than 70 countries. Some access to full text is available, but many items appear in summary form, i.e. abstract, only. This particular link to PubMed is customized for Olympic College, and it enables users to link out to full-text articles that we purchase through ScienceDirect, EbscoHost and ProQuest.