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OC Libraries' Policies & Procedures

Food, Drink, Tobacco, Cell Phone, and Noise Policy

Prohibited student conduct is determined according to WAC 132C-120-065. There is also an Acceptable Use Policy regarding technology.

In addition, OC Libraries has specified the following—


It is the policy of the OC Library to maintain an environment appropriate for the protection of library materials and conducive to study.  Students and other researchers expect to find quiet areas for study and the Library is obligated to provide this type of environment.  Food, beverages, and tobacco attract rodents, cockroaches, silverfish, and other unwanted pests that damage library materials.  By complying with the policy, users and staff will help maintain a clean and quiet work environment, pest-free building, and aid in the preservation of our collection for future generations.


1.     Food

Eating in the Library is prohibited.


2.     Drink

No drinks are allowed in the computer labs (IT's Acceptable Use Policies).  In the rest of the Library, drinking beverages is allowed only from covered, spill-proof containers.

Acceptable containers are spill-proof mugs and cups with secure lids and small drinking holes, sports bottles with drinking spouts that can be closed, and capped plastic bottles.

Unacceptable containers include aluminum cans, open cups or mugs, and glass bottles.


3.     Tobacco

Tobacco products are prohibited (College Policy 406).


4.     Cell Phones and Other Devices

Cell phones should be off or switched to a silent mode while in the Library.  Anyone receiving a call must immediately put the call on hold and move outside the Library to use a phone.  If making a call, we ask that you move outside the Library to initiate your call.

The volume of headphones and other audio devices must be such that sound is not heard by other users.


5.     Noise

In consideration of others, voices should be kept low.  In the group study rooms, conversations may be held at a moderate level that does not disturb the occupants of adjacent rooms.  The Library is also used as a teaching space where library and teaching faculty and library staff must converse with users in assisting them to locate and understand the Library’s information resources.  The technology provided by the Library, such as computers, printers, and photocopiers, also produce noise. Use this to guide you- 

Haselwood second floor- quiet zone

Haselwood basement and ground floor open areas- whisper zones

Library computer labs- whisper zones

Service counters- normal speaking volume zones

Study rooms- normal speaking volume zones



We appreciate your cooperation in protecting the library environment.  Library staff will ask those who do not respect this policy to comply.  Failure to follow the instructions of a college official is a violation of the Student Conduct Code and may result in disciplinary action.

Library Guide to Shhhh

caution sign graphic reading Quiet Zone 

Acceptable Volume Levels:  

  • Normal speaking volume- Service counters
  • Normal speaking volume- Study rooms
  • Whisper- Computer labs
  • Whisper- Open study spaces in the basement and ground floor
  • Quiet- Second floor


OC Libraries are guided by Olympic College Policy regarding children on campus.

Supervised children (anyone under the age of 16, as defined by OC policy) are welcome in the OC Libraries. Guardians must accompany children at all time and are responsible to ensure children adhere to conduct requirements. Employees may not supervise children.

Kid Kits and children's movies are available  at the Haselwood Library for in-library loan.

Service Animals

ADA-defined Service Animals are welcome in the OC Libraries.

As per ADA rules, "staff may ask two questions: (1) is the dog a service animal required because of a disability, and (2) what work or task has the dog been trained to perform. Staff cannot ask about the person’s disability, require medical documentation, require a special identification card or training documentation for the dog, or ask that the dog demonstrate its ability to perform the work or task."

A person with a service animal and a disability may be asked to remove their animal from the library if, "(1) the dog is out of control and the handler does not take effective action to control it or (2) the dog is not housebroken. When there is a legitimate reason to ask that a service animal be removed, staff must offer the person with the disability the opportunity to obtain goods or services without the animal’s presence."