Find evidence to support an accurate and correct case study. Use highly reliable sources to provide evidence for your:
You will need a focused biographical book that is highly reliable. Use this chart regarding scholarly vs. popular books to help guide your book selection.
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Adverse childhood experiences
Affective disorders
Antisocial personality disorder
Antisocial personality disorder - pathology
Behavior disorders
Behavior disorders in children
Borderline personality disorder
Child abuse & neglect
Childhood physical abuse
Childhood trauma
Conduct disorders
Criminal behavior
Criminal profiling
Criminal psychology
Dark Tetrad
Dark Triad
Drug abuse
Homicidal ideation
Mental illness
Neurobehavioral disorders
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Personality disorders
Sadistic personality disorder
Serial homicide
Serial killer
Serial murder
Sexual abuse
Sexual disorders
Sociopathic personality
Substance abuse/use
Violent offenders
Digitized back issues of academic journals, academic books, museum and archive images, and primary sources. Useful for research in the arts, humanities, and social sciences.
Popular, trade, and academic content in almost all areas of study, e.g. Business, Science, Social Sciences, and Humanities. Some overlap with EbscoHost databases, but also offers unique content.
Extensive collection of journals, academic books, and academic encyclopedias in health/life sciences, physical sciences, and social/behavioral sciences.
Use OneSearch, on the library's homepage, to search across multiple databases and journals. To search and browse in one specific journal, use the links below.