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AI Literacy


Driving Value with Generative AI, from IBM

AI Ethics in Business

In 2024 The EU passed an Artificial Intelligence Act which will begin to be enforced in 2026. It is a regulatory and legal framework for AI. There are implications for US-based entities so it is important for businesses to consider these regulatory and legal obligations. The EU AIA has been well received, with companies such as IBM issuing statements in support.  Christina Montgomery of IBM said, "I commend the EU for its leadership in passing comprehensive, smart AI legislation. The risk-based approach aligns with IBM's commitment to ethical AI practices and will contribute to building open and trustworthy AI ecosystems..."

Common Business Uses of Generative AI in 2024

  • As a chatbot for customer service
  • Streamlining content creation— social media posts, emails, etc.
  • As a coding and SEO tool 
  • Analyzing data for patterns, errors, etc.
  • Creating presentations, plans, proposals, and writing copy
  • Scheduling management and personal assistant