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Textbooks: Searching the Library Catalog

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Find Books

To search for textbooks you will want to use the Library Catalog.  You can use the Advanced Search option to search by title, author, or ISBN.  When you search a title, make sure you leave off beginning articles such as "the", "an", "a", etc.  If you search by author, search by last name.  If you search by ISBN, do not include any dashes, use only numbers.  You may combine multiple fields, such as searching by title AND author at the same time.  If you find your book, look at the publication date and/or edition statement in the Catalog record to see if it is the same edition that is being used by your instructor.  Each book is assigned a Dewey Decimal call number and is shelved by that number.  If a book's location is "Course Reserves" then you can ask for it at the Check Out Desk.

You may also try searching the public library systems for your textbook. Click here for Kitsap Regional Library. Click here for Timberland Regional Library.