Remember you can use a filter in OneSearch and CINAHL/MEDLINE from EBSCOhost so your search results will be from academic journals.
Almost every article in PubMed is peer reviewed so you will not find that filter.
Know the Science: How To Make Sense of a Scientific Journal Article from NIH: National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health
This page is designed to highlight library information and support for students of BNURS 350.
My hope is that our time together and these resources will help you search effectively in CINAHL and MEDLINE from EBSCHost as well as PubMed. I want you to have a basic understanding of levels of evidence, peer-review, and tools that can help you make sense of a journal article. Lastly, I want to share some help for APA citation.
Menu tabs will take you to other pages of this guide to connect you to:
CINAHL Complete Tutorial- Finding Evidence-Based Practice Articles in CINAHL
CINAHL Help Sheet for searching - Creating a Basic or Advanced Search
CINAHL/MeSH Tutorial- Using MeSH in EBSOhost
MEDLINE (EBSCOhost) Tutorial- Advanced Medical Searching
PubMed Tutorial- Find Articles on a Topic
PubMed Advanced Search Tutorial- Using the Advanced Search Builder
Academic and industry articles in nursing and allied health disciplines.
U.S. National Library of Medicine database, featuring life sciences content, in an EBSCO interface.
Index of biomedical literature from MEDLINE, life science journals, and online books from the National Library of Medicine. Use this link to activate a "Full Text from Olympic College Libraries" option in the upper right of the page.
Extensive collection of journals, academic books, and academic encyclopedias in health/life sciences, physical sciences, and social/behavioral sciences.
Here are some of the most useful APA Citation links-
Sample Papers- APA Style Guidance
APA 7th Edition Handouts and Guides