Written for the general public without subject expertise. Topics covered can include general interest subjects, news, and current events. Most editors are committed to fact checking and producing quality content.
Most magazines publish articles written by staff writers, journalists and freelance writers, who consult briefly with an expert or scholar in a field. Articles are short and experts are cited informally, without references (use OneSearch or Google Scholar to find their scholarly works).
Expect a lot of graphics, including advertising.
Typically written within a week or two weeks of an "event" or when a topic is "hot."
Most newspaper articles are written by journalists and freelance writers, and occasionally by members of the public, especially as "Op-Ed" pieces.
Newspaper articles are typically quite short and are about "today's news".
They quote or cite experts informally, without references (use OneSearch or Google Scholar to find their scholarly works).
The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal are both newspapers that adhere to a code of journalism ethics and issue retractions when necessary.
This custom Google Search includes only selected newspaper websites (after the ads). It searches entire newspaper sites and will include blog posts, editorials, and articles. Type your search words in the box and click search.